Dirt bike

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dirt bike
Dirt Bike (WLM)
Image information
Original titleDirt Biker Jumping Over Hill
Licensed fromCorbis
Originates fromCorbis
PhotographerBen Blankenburg
License typeRoyalty free (no longer commercially available)
Windows information
SoftwareWindows XP
Windows Live Messenger (6.1 to 2009)
TypeUser account picture (Windows XP)
Display picture (Windows Live Messenger)
Resolution48x48 (Windows XP)
96x96 (Windows Live Messenger)
File typeBitmap (.bmp) (Windows XP)
PNG (.png) (Windows Live Messenger)

dirt bike, originally known as Dirt Biker Jumping Over Hill and known as Dirt Bike in Windows Live Messenger, is a user account/display picture included in Windows XP and Windows Live Messenger, licensed from Corbis. It was taken by Ben Blankenburg. It depicts a dirt biker jumping in the air.

The image was not transferred to Getty Images in 2016, and is not even available on Photononstop, although other dirt biker images by Blankenburg are present there.