Img23 (Windows 7)

From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Flight of the Feathers)
Image information
Originates fromcontracted by Microsoft
ArtistChris Sickels (Red Nose Studio)
Windows information
SoftwareWindows 7
File typeJPEG (.jpg)

img23, originally known as Flight of the Feathers, is a wallpaper included in Windows 7 as part of the Characters theme. It was illustrated by freelance illustrator and stop-motion animator Chris Sickels, of Red Nose Studios, whom Microsoft found on agency 72 and Sunny.[1] It depicts a clay character flying over a miniature town square fountain, by agitating large feathers, while being watched by pigeons.

The objective, according to the artist, was to "create an image that conveyed adventure, delight, lightheartedness, and something fun to look at". He describes the scene in these words: "With his homemade cloud suit and a pair of feathers he takes a leap of faith at the center fountain where all wishes are made". He recalls the wallpaper was "a blast to work on" and even ended up using the rejected sketches for his later projects.[2] Early concept art submitted to Microsoft involved the character flying using actual wings, a plane, or riding an elephant.[3]

Chris Sickels also designed the Windows Live Messenger 2011 and 2012 scene Bird Man, which features edited parts of img23.

A cropped part of this wallpaper was later used as the default lock screen background in Windows 8 builds 7927 to 8061 and Windows Server 2012 builds 7959 to 8064. For both cases, Redpill and Ctrl+Alt+Del requirement must be enabled.


  1. Sinofsky, Steven (2 May 2009). "A Little Bit of Personality". Microsoft - Engineering Windows 7.
  2. Sickels, Chris (23 October 2009) "WINDOWS 7 : flight of the feathers". Red Nose Blog
  3. Larsen, Larry (6 August 2009) "A Look Behind The Backgrounds Of Windows 7". Channel9