
From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Friendly Dog)
Friendly Dog (WLM)
Image information
Original titleClose-up of an Australian Shepherd-Boxer
Licensed fromPhotoDisc
Originates fromPhotoDisc
PhotographerDuncan Smith
License typeRoyalty free
Windows information
SoftwareWindows XP
Windows Live Messenger (6.1 to 2009)
TypeUser account picture (Windows XP)
Display picture (Windows Live Messenger)
Resolution48x48 (Windows XP)
96x96 (Windows Live Messenger)
File typeBitmap (.bmp) (Windows XP)
PNG (.png) (Windows Live Messenger)

dog, originally known as Close-up of an Australian Shepherd-Boxer and known as Friendly Dog in Windows Live Messenger, is a user account/display picture included in Windows XP and Windows Live Messenger, licensed from PhotoDisc. It was taken by Duncan Smith. It depicts an australian shepherd-boxer on a white background, looking up to the camera. The version that appears in WLM is more zoomed compared to the XP version, likely to put more emphasis on the dog specifically. It is also part of a series on Getty Images consisting of other dogs and cats on white backgrounds.

External links