Red flower

From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Orange Daisy)
red flower
Orange Daisy (WLM)
Image information
Original titleGerbera daisy on blue background, close-Up
Licensed fromPhotoDisc
Originates fromPhotoDisc
PhotographerArthur S. Aubry
License typeRoyalty free
Windows information
SoftwareWindows XP
Windows Live Messenger (6.1 to 2012)
TypeUser account picture (Windows XP)
Display picture (Windows Live Messenger)
Resolution48x48 (Windows XP)
96x96 (Windows Live Messenger)
File typeBitmap (.bmp) (Windows XP)
PNG (.png) (Windows Live Messenger)

red flower, originally known as Gerbera daisy on blue background, close-Up and known as Orange Daisy in Windows Live Messenger is a user account/display picture included in Windows XP and Windows Live Messenger, licensed from PhotoDisc. It was taken by Arthur S. Aubry, who also took the wallpaper used in the Pocket PC 2002 theme, Fire. It is a portrait of an orange (although somewhat red in appearance) gerbera on a blue background. It appears on PhotoDisc CD Floral Portraits, which consists of various other flower shots by Aubry and other PhotoDisc photographers.


There is also a variant where the flower has been recolored to pink, although this does not appear on said CD, along with most of the other blue background shots of other flowers.

External links