
From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Rubber Ducky)
Rubber Ducky (WLM)
Image information
Original titleYellow Rubber Duck
Licensed fromCorbis
Originates fromCorbis
PhotographerLawrence Manning
License typeRoyalty free
Windows information
SoftwareWindows XP
Windows Live Messenger (6.1 to 2012)
TypeUser account picture (Windows XP)
Display picture (Windows Live Messenger)
Resolution48x48 (Windows XP)
96x96 (Windows Live Messenger)
File typeBitmap (.bmp) (Windows XP)
PNG (.png) (Windows Live Messenger)

duck, originally known as Yellow Rubber Duck and known as Rubber Ducky in Windows Live Messenger is a user account/display picture included in Windows XP and Windows Live Messenger, licensed from Corbis. It was taken by Lawrence Manning, who also took XP's car user account picture. It depicts a cutout rubber duck on a white background. XP also includes a similar user account picture featuring a rubber frog instead, although this was cut out by Microsoft themselves and was not taken by Manning.


One of the shots where a rubber duck is excluded from its friends.

Along with the duck user account picture included in XP, Manning also took several other images featuring the same type of rubber duck. Examples include one featuring a hand holding a rubber duck, one featuring a row of rubber ducks and one where a rubber duck is feeling left out from a crowd of them.

External links