
From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Running Horses)
Running Horses (WLM)
Image information
Original titleHorse Humor
Licensed fromPhotoDisc
Originates fromPhotoDisc
License typeRoyalty free (no longer commercially available)
Windows information
SoftwareWindows XP
Windows Live Messenger (6.1 to 2012)
TypeUser account picture (Windows XP)
Display picture (Windows Live Messenger)
Resolution48x48 (Windows XP)
96x96 (Windows Live Messenger)
File typeBitmap (.bmp) (Windows XP)
PNG (.png) (Windows Live Messenger)

horses, originally known as Horse Humor and known as Running Horses in Windows Live Messenger, is a user account/display picture included in Windows XP and Windows Live Messenger, licensed from Getty Images. It depicts two horses that are black and white respectively, standing (despite its WLM title stating they are running) together behind a fence. The white horse has flowers on its head. It is no longer available on Getty Images and other stock photo sites; as a result it is not known who took the photo, nor where it was taken.