Windows Millennium (wallpaper)

From Windows Wallpaper Wiki
(Redirected from Windows Me (wallpaper))
Windows Millennium
Image information
Originates fromMicrosoft
Windows information
SoftwareWindows Me
File typeJPEG (.jpg)

Windows Millennium is the branding wallpaper included in Windows Me, although not set as the default wallpaper. It depicts two squares along with two green thick lines, with a larger, more transparent version of the blue square behind them, and a Windows logo in the bottom right corner. It is unknown who created it, but most likely a graphic designer at Microsoft. Windows 2000 includes a similar wallpaper, also featuring the squares design of this era in Windows and a silhouette of a flying person.

In Whistler builds 2410 to 2464, this wallpaper is oddly named Windows 2000.jpg.